birth control

Facts: What you need to know about the IUD

Women today have more options than ever before regarding birth control. One of these options is an intrauterine device, also known as an IUD. But how do you know if an IUD is right for you? Talk to your healthcare provider (HCP) about your options.

In the meantime, here is some information about the IUD.What is DIU?The IUD is a small T-shaped plastic device that the HCP inserts into your uterus. The IUD is considered a reversible contraceptive (LARC), which means you don’t have to worry about taking it every day. But it does notprevent you from becoming pregnant after it is removed.

The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, you should use condoms for this protection.There are two different types of IUDs:The hormonal IUD releases hormones produced by the human body. This is called progestin.

Progestin thickens the mucus in the uterus to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg and can prevent ovulation (release of an egg).Thehormone-free IUD has a coiled coil. Copper causes a burning reaction. Thispoisons the sperm and prevents them from entering the uterus.

Who are great candidates for IUDs?


Many premenopausal ladies can securely utilize IUDs for contraception. Moreover, ladies who have serious menstrual dying and issues or who have fibroid torment are some of the time endorsed hormonal IUDs since progestin can offer assistance with these symptoms.


Always examine this with your healthcare supplier, but in common, you ought to not utilize a hormonal IUD if you have or had certain wellbeing conditions. These include:


Breast, uterine or cervical cancer

Liver disease

Headache disease

A history of blood clots

Pelvic contaminations or unexplained vaginal bleeding

Heart conditions

If you have as of late given birth

If you’ve had an IUD some time recently and your body ousted it


People with an hypersensitivity to copper ought to not utilize the non-hormonal IUD.

Does getting an IUD hurt?


The handle of IUD addition is fast, but it can be difficult. How gravely IUD addition harms can shift from individual to individual. Regularly, individuals getting an IUD are told to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or headache medicine ahead of time to avoid cramping or a while later to ease torment. But nearby anesthetics or topical solidifying can moreover offer assistance with torment amid addition. Don’t be anxious to inquire your HCP what your choices are some time recently the method and demand on getting offer assistance if you think you’ll need something for the pain.


Can you have sex with an IUD?


Yes, and one advantage of having an IUD is that sex does not have to be hindered for contraception.


There is a 24-hour prescribed holding up period after your IUD is embedded to anticipate contamination. This is since the IUD strategy includes your healthcare supplier utilizing surgical disobedient as it passes the IUD through your vagina and cervix, and into your uterus. The strategy can chafe the lining of your regenerative framework incidentally. If you have sex as well before long, you seem create pelvic incendiary illness. After that holding up period, you can have sex anytime.

Can you get pregnant if you have an IUD?


Getting pregnant with IUD is uncommon, but can happen — IUDs are more than 99% effective.

How long do IUDs remain in?


A hormonal IUD can remain in put for up to eight a long time, depending on the brand. A hormone-free IUD can remain in put up to 10 years.

Do IUDs halt periods?


Sometimes. A hormonal IUD can moderate your period dying a few months after inclusion, or make your periods unpredictable. Around 1 in 5 of ladies halt getting their periods after getting a hormonal IUD. Non-hormonal IUDs ordinarily don’t influence your period.

Are there any side impacts of IUDs?


There can be. For hormonal IUDs, side impacts can include:



Grown-up acne

Breast tenderness

Temperament shifts

Spasms or torment around your pelvis


Side impacts of hormone-free IUDs can include:


Dying between periods


Overwhelming periods


How much do IUDs fetched and are they secured by protections?


IUDs can taken a toll more than $1,300 out of stash. Be that as it may, numerous protections plans cover IUDs at moo or no taken a toll. Check your scope, and talk to your (HCP) for more data.